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Setting Limits with Confidence Parenting Scripts

Printable PDF of real-life examples of exactly what to say (and what not to say) so you know how to work with your child’s development, NOT against it. Knowing when you set a limit you can follow through effectively even if your toddler says No!

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  • 1xSetting Limits Workshop [TW/IG]$97

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Total Value = $604

Today's Price = $97

What You'll Learn:

The difference between a boundary, a limit, and a rule, plus why it matters. 

 The #1 myth standing in your way of setting effective limits.  

6 characteristics of effective limits.  

An essential mindset shift for setting limits effectively.  

The importance of following through and how to do it consistently and with kindness.  

3 steps for setting limits.  

What to do when your toddler reacts to limits with big emotions.)

What You'll Get:

60-minute workshop recording led by Devon. ($199 value)

30-minute Q&A recording. ($99 value)

Lifetime Access. Video subtitles are included. ($99 value)

Plus 5 Powerful Bonuses:

Bonus #1 - Printable Workbook so you can follow along and implement what you learn. ($99 value)

Bonus #2 - Downloadable Audio Files of the workshop + Q&A sessions so you can listen on the go. ($49 value)

Bonus #3 - Effective Limits Checklist - This cheat sheet captures everything you need to remember about setting limits effectively in a 1-page PDF that you can print and hang on your refrigerator door. ($29 value)